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Wyre Forest

Blowing In The Wind

Folsom Prison Blues

Leaving On A Jet Plane

There are two Ukulele groups. The first group known as the Baptist Ukulele Group which is for the more experienced and intermediate players meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. The second group known as the Willow Ukulele Group is where new beginners join to learn the basics of what to practice and then play along with intermediate and more experienced players during the session, we meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. We have been meeting since February 2014 and have over 25 members in the Baptist group and 35+ in the Willow group each session. The groups have mastered a range of chords in different keys and we learn more difficult ones to accompany songs as required. Both groups are building up an ever increasing folder of songs, almost two hundred for the baptist group and more than one hundred and forty for the willow group. Whilst not really a beginners group anymore new members are still welcome, don't worry if you have not played before we will help you get started on the path to lots of fun!


  Our Next Session        17th January  

© 2021 Created by MCP Ukes On The Edge  UOTE Kinver

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